Posts tagged self love
From Rosacea to Healing: How Self-Love Saved My Skin

As women, skincare is either a total obsession for us or a complete afterthought. For me, it was always the latter. I was fortunate enough to never experience any real issues with my skin for most of my life. Besides the blemish or two that I would get around my monthly cycle, my skin was always pretty clear and I never really appreciated how amazing (and lucky) that was until recently. About two years ago, I experienced one of the most traumatic times of my life. I was in a relationship that took a toll on my physical body, my mental health, and my emotional state. I’ll spare you the juicy details, but it wasn’t until I removed myself from this toxic situation that I had to face the impact and all of the crud started to surface — with it’s greatest toll manifesting on my skin.

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